Commercial & Industrial

Got an idea for your existing office? Do you want to alter the layout or make it bigger? Do you want to build a shed on your farm? Create new industrial premises, or carry out a change of use on a building? We can help you prepare the plans you need and navigate the necessary planning and building warrant applications, making your business our business.

What We Offer

Project Planning

Come in and talk to us!

We'll take your ideas add some of our own, and together we'll come up with a plan - literally! If you're unsure how to proceed, we can carry out a feasability study if needed.

We have built up a good working relationship with many of the local contractors and can source quotes on your behalf.


Plans and masterplans.

Whether you want to breathe new life into an old building and transform it into a new family home or you’re starting from scratch and want to design your own bespoke dream build, we have the expertise to guide you along the way.

Commercial/Industrial/ Agricultural

Offices, sheds, farm buildings, industrial units, factories, places of worship - whether you want to revamp an existing building or erect a new one, we can help.

3D Visualisations, Fly-overs and Fly-throughs

If you want to see your project come to life before it’s built our 3D service can help you really ‘see’ it – in glorious detail.

Building Plots

Do you have a piece of land, large or small, that would make a good building plot? We keep up to date with local authority legislation and will give down-to-earth advice as to how easy – or otherwise – it may be to gain planning permission. Get in touch if it’s something you’d like to investigate with us, and we can help you source a plot of land for your build.

Architectural Inspections

We can carry out architectural inspections to check the progress of the building works as required by lenders or for your own peace of mind. This can be used as a quality control check throughout the build.

Other Services

  • Title Deed Plans
  • Architectural Inspection and Certification
  • Assistance with Project Management
  • Assistance with Contractor Selection
  • Tender Packages
  • Construction Drawings
  • Submissions of Planning and Building Warrant Applications
  • Administration of Applications
  • 3D Fly-throughs
  • 3D Visualisations
  • Developed Design (CAD-based)
  • Site and Building Surveys
  • Sketch Design (Freehand and CAD-based)
  • Feasibility Studies
  • Initial No-obligation Consultations

Ready to start your next project?

Let's Create Something Together

Mintlaw: 01771 622296
Fraserburgh: 01346 411320

Opening Hours:
Monday-Friday, 9am-5pm